Course Outline
Please Remember:
This is just a general course outline of what to expect. Each school and program use different materials, text books, language lab equipment, tapes, etc, please refer to the program notes in your chosen location.
Methodology and General Course Information
We believe that teaching a language cannot be successful solely by routine and repetition but should be creative and communicative. We focus on learning to speak the language by instilling the most effective ways to master correct pronunciation and intonation.
Our students learn most effectively in classrooms that are highly communicative and use techniques such as role-play, grammar games and videos to support lesson content. Current political, social and cultural materials are integrated to add interest and increase knowledge of the host country and culture.
We also believe the longer you are able to study, the better. It is generally better to stay as many weeks as possible but not study too many hours per day.
Most students can expect to develop moderate fluency in 2-5 months depending on several factors (atmosphere, accommodation choice, personal motivation and application, and number of lessons). If you need to learn a language in a very short time, we do offer intensive programs; however, many students miss the cultural aspect of the country and language if they spend too much time in the classroom.
Each student will be expected to take a short placement test on the first Monday morning of the course (unless a complete beginner), to determine the students language level and ensure placement in the correct class. Lessons are usually held in the mornings, starting at 9 am, which leave the afternoons free for social or cultural activities, trips, workshops, short excursions or free time to relax or explore on your own.
Students who are studying for 2 weeks or less normally select the intensive program, which normally offers 6 lessons per day. Private instruction is the least popular as it is quite expensive; however, this is also a very intensive option and ideal for the student looking to have a very personalized program.
Reading comprehension
Objective - To understand all types of simple texts: letters, notes, newspapers, magazines.
Technique - Reading texts and group discussion, comprehension exercises such as multiple choice and true/false, comprehension and summary questions.
Listening comprehension
Objective- Working through normal situations of interaction, conversation and exposure in classroom setting. All conducted in the native language, at a moderate pace and with native speakers.
Technique - Listening to texts of either news of notices, conversations, interviews (max. two people), directive texts, correlating visual images to oral directions, posing multiple choice and true/false questions.
Written skills
Objective - The student will be able to write short, simple texts, presentation to the students of a coherent structure with which to organize and communicate their ideas.
Technique - Drafting personal letters about the general themes given writing descriptive, narrative and compositions on various issues discussed in class.
Oral skills
Objective - The student will be capable of handling themselves in various real life situations.
Technique - Visual aids, interactive speaking exercises, role-playing of various situations, debates about relevant real life issues, games.
Other Techniques
Proper phonetics
Objective - Pronouncing the most difficult phonetic sounds, with a focus on those most difficult for English speakers.
Technique - Repetition of the most common sounds in the language. Repetition of words that sound similar. Highlighting the changes in where the stress is placed on a word and the significant changes.
Objective - Knowledge of the verb tenses, pronouns, conjunctions and gradual development of complex sentences.
Technique - Conjunction of present, past and future tenses. Subjunctive mode (verses indicative). Pronouns, use and placement. Prepositions. Special expressions. Conjunctions (simple and complex sentences).
Objective - To have a basic idea of spelling. To have a basic idea of the accent and annotation rules.
Technique - Dictation: By the professor to the students, by one student to the others, by auditory materials i.e. Radio and TV announcements, programs.
Culture and history of the country
Objective - To have a basic knowledge of the present country society (emphasizing the region/city where the program is situated). The political, cultural and economic situations in the country. Basic history of country.
Technique - Articles taken from newspapers, magazines, books. Videos: Documentaries, movies. Art history, sociology, politics and literature. Visits to art/photography exhibitions, trips to places of historical interest.
On a regular basis the teacher will conduct ongoing evaluations in each category.