Testimonials - Japanese in Fukuoka
“I had a great educational and cultural experience in Fukuoka, Japan! The language school was great, the teachers were excellent, the choice and quality of the programs were great, and the teaching/learning environment was superb! I had a first rate experience with my host family! They were very nice people, and they made me feel right at home. I interacted with the family on a daily basis at breakfast, at supper time, and in the evening [conversations, watching TV, gathering with family friends, etc.]. The room, bathroom, and other facilities in the house were very clean and comfortable.
The school was conveniently located in downtown Fukuoka. It was easily accessible by bus, subway, and on foot. The atmosphere throughout the school was friendly and welcoming. The classes were small (5-6 students per class), and they were well equipped (modern teaching tools). All the instructions were in Japanese; however, most, if not all, the teachers spoke/understood sufficient English, and were thus able to explain in English difficult concepts that would arise. All the teachers are certified by the Ministry of Education of Japan, and thus are very knowledgeable and qualified for the teaching.
The service provided by Languages Abroad was great. The staff was very helpful and knowledgeable. The information contained in the website was very useful and thorough. The pre-departure information was also thorough, current, and of great value.
I would strongly advice students to take advantage of the cultural and educational experiences abroad. One s personal growth and understanding of people of other cultures, and both educational and job opportunities that arise as a result of the experiences are just incalculable. I had a great experience! I would do it again at the drop of a hat!”
(Denny, age 58)
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