Testimonials - Live & Learn in Italy
“Our stay with our host family in Florence, Italy was a fantastic experience which really allowed us to enjoy a more intimate glimpse of Italian family life than might otherwise have been possible. There were many memorable conversations in Italian around the kitchen table about cooking, art, politics and economics, literature and films. We made friends for life.
In particular, I highly recommend the Live & Learn experience. Living with an Italian family opened up opportunities to broaden and deepen my knowledge of the language and culture. Overall, it was a marvelous experience.”
(Rosemary, age 60)
“This was a fantastic experience and definitely the best way to learn a language! The family was wonderful and I felt completely comfortable from the moment I arrived in Milan. It is the best way to learn a language."
(Debbie, age 39)
“The Live and Learn program in Rome was a wonderful opportunity for me and allowed me to learn Italian much faster than any other method. The host family was unbelievably generous with their time and everything else. The opportunities I had to socialize were simply outstanding. I recommend everyone seriously consider the Live and Learn option.”
(David, age 42)
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